woensdag 10 november 2010

The Way You Look At Me

Hi guys, it’s been a long time since my last post. I’ve been so busy lately. But actually, so many AWESOME stories I got to tell you. But take it slow. I’ll tell you all latter…

The way you look at me…
Don’t ever think that the story will be a romantic story. Don’t ever think this story will melt your heart. This is not a love story. This is not the story about a sweet boy who met a cute girl. Nope! This story is so far away from what you think, and what you can imagine. This is the story about me when I met hmmmm………. How to say it……hmmmm…….his name is……..Locky. Want to know who is Locky ? You’ll catch up latter in this story. Get ready for it, and Here we go!....

This story was begin at Sunday afternoon when I felt very sad about something. Something that shouldn’t be important to talk about. Aaaarrrrgggghhhhh! And that thing successfully tears me up and cried for hours. Yeah, I did called my father then. I made a called, and suddenly my tears just fall easily. But anyway, that’s not the point. The thing is, this crying activity makes me so so so tired after all. But I still pushing my self to study, prepare for the mid test for the next day. I was studied until 3 am. Then I went sleep. After I slept for about one hour. I felt like a tiny step, stepping on my bed. I thought I was dream. But that was woke me up. I sat on my bed, then saw a tinny little creature. I’m not sure what was that…

My eyes was straightly look at his eyes. He looked at me, I was looked at him. There’s no romantic side at all. Damn! Hahahaha. We are just looking each other. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing. The world suddenly be quite. The way you look at me, I was so surprised when our eyes crushed on each other. I didn’t expect that we’ll meet in this way. Yeah! In this awkward situation, and actually, in the wrong time.

And I think…. Hey, since when we have a cute puppy dog in this house. He is so tinny if I’m compare him with normal size of puppy dog. I just be quite. Still connecting my mind to the real world. Tik…tok…tik…tok…. 2 minutes latter, then I realized. Hey! He’s not a puppy dog. His eyes, fur, nose, everything…. I know what he is! A mouse! M.O.U.S.E !!!! what? Mouse??????? MOUSE!!!!!!!!!! I feel like is the end of the world (sorry I’ve been ‘lebay’ again, it’s just like ‘default’ setting of my self. LOL). Damn! How come a mouse could stand on my lovely bed??? Suddenly I said: “shuuh shuuuh shuuuuuh…..!!!, huaaaa get out off my bed!!!!” And this creature run away and stayed under my bed. I could feel it. He knock my bed. It was scared me. Hoooooossssssshhhhh. Oh God, well, I think I don’t care what was happened. All I know is I gotta sleep A.S.A.P . I’m really sleepy actually. So I closed my eyes. Wait, there is something flash on my mind. Hey, wait up! Is a mouse today become so cute like that mouse? Why the mouse that I just saw was brown ? Why that mouse has a big eyes like……like…. How to say it…..like….. Hamster!!!! Hey! He’s Locky! Oh yeaaaaaah…. I didn’t realized it at all. How….how…how come????? How come he could be on my room ??? And after I realized it, I still sleepy and decided to find Locky tomorrow, when my mind is fresh and I can think clearly. Hooaaaaaheeeemmmmm……… zzzzzzzZZZZzzzzzz……..

Hey Locky, did you know, I’ve made a poem about our situation at that night, not night, I meant so so early in the morning :

“The way you look at me”

It wasn’t the first time we meet
It wasn’t a romantic time at all
You just scared me right in the eyes
If I could freezing moment in my mind,
Oh No! of course I want it happened again..

Cause there something in the way you look at me
You’re not the amazing piece
You make me believed that you were a puppy dog,
Even you make me believed that you were a MOUSE!
You make me said “hush…hush…” to you
And I knew, latter I gotta say sorry to you

The way you look at me
I think the world stop spinning
And also….
My mind was stop thinking
Sorry bro, I didn’t realized
But, if I knew it was you….
You still scare me,
Cause your face still like a MOUSE
Can’t catch you, can’t touch you
I just can’t….

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